NUF_NighttimeTrip_CoverA Nighttime Trip to Planet NUF  is a book about believing in ourselves. The story was written in collaboration with the founder and creator of NUF, Mr. Cal King. Mr. King’s contention that we are each “enough”, provided the backdrop for the book’s adventure to a strange and loving planet, called NUF.

What human or health issue does the book revolve around?
From time to time, we all suffer from a lack of belief in ourselves, and a forgetting of our inherent gifts.

What community/school health issue does the book address?
Self-esteem and lack of empowerment (personal leadership) underlie many health conditions, as well as our ability to manage chronic health conditions, and pursue our passions. The book aims to normalize what we often perceive as hindrances or the negative or unflattering parts of ourselves, as the aspects which hold the key to our own self-awareness and personal freedom.

What social-emotional attributes does the book promote?
A Nighttime Trip to Planet NUF promotes the following social-emotional skills/attributes: attention, curiosity, discernment, gratitude, patience, and persistence.

Where can I buy the book?
A Nighttime Trip to Planet NUF, and it’s prequel, The Day Kyle Met NUF,  can be purchased directly through us (as single copies, or bulk purchased for school or agency use), or online.

This book is also published on Amazon’s Kindle.