Who doesn’t like a sunny, summer day when everything’s going your way and your day is full of blessings. Well, how do you feel when it’s cloudy, cold, and/or raining? Probably not so good.

How can one overcome the melancholy of a “not-so-perfect” kind of day? The key is to be grateful. Count your blessings. Be mindful of your thoughts and actions.

Just because the weather isn’t agreeable, doesn’t mean you have to be that way, too. Focus on keeping your thoughts in check. If it takes distracting yourself by, reading a book, exercising, cooking your favorite meal, starting a project around the house, or hanging out with a friend or two then, do just that. Sometimes just sitting and honing in on you, through yoga, meditation, or pampering yourself with a massage, can be the action necessary to bring you to a good place, mentally and physically. Perhaps it takes a random act of kindness, for a stranger, or a friend to change your mood.

Figure out what it is that allows you to be grateful, and keep those “tools” handy, for those “not so good” days. If you have the proper tools, no bad weather day will get you down.

Enjoy your day!